About Us

Every parent wishes to provide their child the best possible upbringing they can offer. After giving birth to my firstborn, I was concerned about how the decisions about the upbringing of my children would affect their capabilities and development. You want to see them flourish in their brightest colours. Surrounded by chaos and an overflow of confusing information I did not know where to start. To my luck I finally came across The Montessori Method of Education. I was reading into it and it just made so much sense. Me and my husband bought all the possible Montessori toys we could find and read all the books we could get our hands on. A few years later, my firstborn is flourishing. He's such a curious human being, always asking questions, wondering and discovering the things around him. Really fascinated about dinosaurs lately.
Since my doctor advised me not to have any more children I decided to funnel my passion for "the Montessori way" and so I started an online store. I hope I can introduce this amazing way of bringing up children to other parents. It is not easy being a parent today - we have to make so many tough decisions that affect their life.
But I promise you that buying your Montessori toys from Toyzzy Kids store is a decision you'll never regret.